Thursday, September 28, 2006

swan sweethearts

heart v2.0
Originally uploaded by The Norwegian.

The Norwegian says "swans find a mate and stay with him/her for the rest of their life."

well, i don't know what to write. writing for these blog entries is harder than i expected. i was wanting to write about the photos, but there isn't anything to say...they are what they are.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Originally uploaded by rajeshburman.

i think rajesh burman is especially good at portraits.

Friday, September 22, 2006

the apprentice

day 253: the apprentice.
Originally uploaded by snowdeal.

i just LOVE this photograph!!! such adorableness! my self-portraits never come out so cute...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

charley and mac

charleyBook G4

Originally uploaded by Hackintosh.

this was one of the first photos i added as a favorite when i joined flickr (Dec 9, 2005). i had a guinea pig once...her name was abby. she died thanksgiving morning 2004...that was a sad day for me. now, i have a chinese miniature hamster...